Dr. Styrt and our Team would like to invite you to our 2011 Patient Appreciation Day on Thursday, August 18th from 3 to 5 p.m. at our San Diego office!
Thanks to those of you who have already confirmed! We look forward to seeing you! If you did not RSVP yet … it’s not too late and we hope to see you!
We value each and every one of you, and we want to show our thanks by hosting an ice cream social!
Dippin Dots are on the menu! Join us for cool, refreshing dots, great music, awesome prizes like an IPOD TOUCH, and a cool summer give-away for all!
AND don’t forget to bring a friend!
Dr. Paul Styrt’s office (the party is located on the lawn behind our office). R.S.V.P. with the number of family & guests that are attending by August 11th to request@drstyrt.com.
See you soon!