Ah, October is here. The leaves are beginning to fall, the weather is getting a bit chilly here in San Diego, the days are getting shorter and all that Halloween candy is beginning to make its rounds. For Drs. Paul Styrt and Allen Job, as well as for our entire staff, October is known as both National Dental Hygiene Month and National Orthodontic Health Month!
So, you can probably imagine how busy we are in trying to spread the word on proper oral care!
Our friends at the American Association of Orthodontists have created a helpful website that provides important information on protecting your braces, including tips for trick-or-treaters, braces-friendly Halloween recipes, facts about braces and treats you should avoid while wearing braces.
Also, here are a few tips to help you build good oral hygiene habits this month:
* Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two to three minutes. Make sure to get the outer and inner surfaces and the chewing surfaces of each tooth.
* Floss once a day to remove plaque from between teeth. Help children learn healthy flossing habits so when they’re capable, they know how to do it properly.
* Visit Dr. Paul J. Styrt, Specialists in Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry on a regular basis. Children should start seeing a dentist within six months of getting their first tooth.
* Ask us what toothpaste family members should use. Remember that not all toothpaste is appropriate for all ages.
* Eat a healthy diet, rich in fruit and veggies. Avoid sugary foods and eat a high fiber diet of fruits and veggies such as apples and carrots to help prevent tooth decay.
If you have any question, we invite you to ask us on Facebook or give us a call at (858) 458-1088.